Cinecitta x Cultuurroute013

During Cultuurroute013 a film will be played outside at Cinecitta. The film was made especially for this evening by Simon van Iersel and Marijn Dijkmeijer. They will also be present. So, take a seat and admire the 3-minute film. The film plays constantly, so no time slots. Great tip: the restaurant will also be open all evening.

Biography Simon van Iersel and Marijn Dijkmeijer:

Simon van Iersel: "When my childhood dream of becoming a fireman fell apart, I tried to become a professional footballer. Due to a lack of inspiration and creativity, this goal was not possible and I decided to study visual arts. After graduating, I didn't know what to do, and started pursuing my other childhood dream, making movies."

Marijn Dijkmeijer: "I am a visual artist and filmmaker. I use animation to explore narrativity as a powerful mechanism. My working method is in line with the tradition of essay film, a method that flirts with genres such as documentary and fiction, without attaching itself to them. My choice of that method stems from my belief that one understands reality through stories."

Together they present especially for Cultuurroute013 the work If you work for a living, why kill yourself working? Life has no value here! 

The film is about the Western: a type of narrative that has proven effective since 1850. An American fairy tale about the conquest of the wilderness and the subordination of nature, in the name of civilization. With the famous close-ups and a shoot-out at the end. This film is an ode to the music of Ennio Morricone, told not by lone rangers, but by chickens. 

The work coincides with the documentary about Ennio Moricone called ''Ennio" which is now showing at Cinecitta.